When three (or more) respondents complete the DOER Score assessment you will receive a specially prepared DOER Score Report. This report will provide a composite DOER score for your office AND offer detail scoring across all eight categories in an easy to read format. The DOER Score report will illuminate strengths and areas for improvement, it will unearth any communication gaps across the organization, and it will provide a roadmap and practical ideas you can implement right away to get your development office moving in the right direction. These valuable insights are what make the DOER Score the industry standard for measuring effectiveness and readiness within your development office.

Your PDF report will be available to you upon completion from all respondents. You’ll have your composite DOER Score and 8 category scores at your fingertips!


The DOER Group
Poston at the Park
3000 Poston Ave
Suite 104
Nashville, TN 37203