One year of results just doesn’t tell you enough about your operation. Are you improving, treading water or stagnating? Get a three-year DOER Score assessment package and we’ll include a free Annual Trend Report that profiles your year-over-year DOER results.
Your trend results can additionally be compared to overall, or selective geographic, and demographic benchmark results for a comparative look at just how well you are performing in relation to your peers. To receive your FREE Benchmark Report, get your DOER Score today and simply refer a peer organization to get their DOER Score today. Just one referred client qualifies you to receive unlimited annual Benchmark Reports as long as you are a client! The first Benchmark Report will be available upon reaching the 100 school DOER Score milestone. So help us get there and get your Benchmark Report sooner!
The DOER Group
Poston at the Park
3000 Poston Ave
Suite 104
Nashville, TN 37203
Toll-free 1-888-569-3637